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What is Career ? How to Choose your Career ?

A wise man once said " choose a job you love , you will never have to work a day " this statement might seem strange but this is extremely true . What is Career ? Why Career is very important ? How to choose your career ? Here we are gonna discuss every single bit of it .

Before starting , I would like to make it up that as you know that new universities / college academic year (2020) is going to start , so huge bundle of posts are going to hit up the blog .

Career can be defined as the occupation linked with academics for years which may yield good opportunities for you in upcoming future times . According to OXFORD DICTIONARY career can be defined as the occupation under taken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress . But here not to be confused with the Job . It has been observed that most of the people get confused with job and career and sometimes try to merge them together . But here it is to be noted that Job is something else and so the career is . A Job is your employment on a particular position that you are basically doing to earn money but career is a long term occupation on which your future depends . Career can also be related to academic struggle which a student or a person does in order to make his future better and bright .

In Pakistan , the importance of Career can't be denied . Every year after the completion of matriculation examinations and  Intermediate  too . Various Career counselling Seminars are Organized in order to give complete Introduction and Info about every field of career to the students so that their unclear dreams get clear and can achieve their desired goals .

Choosing a right career is important because your future depends upon the career simply . If you want to lead a happy life full of contentment and happiness , all you need to do is to choose right career or right path for your self . Most of the students in lust of high paid future jobs  do various career shifts and throw themselves into such circumstances in which they become uneasy and embrace those fields which they simply don't like . As a result their career faces ups and downs and at the end they don't achieve desired target in life and become emotionally dull . The reason is the same "less importance given for career selection" . An open minded person is always serious towards his career planning or selection . He gives importance to career planning and doesn't always looks upon money . Although good salary is very much important but becoming too much greedy drifts you towards catastrophe .


  • The most important thing before making any move is to do brain storming . let me explain it fully . All you have to do is to make the list of the things in which you have deep interest and in which you are simply good at. At this point you need to just look at your self  and ask the purpose of your life before jumping into anything . 

  • Make the list of the occupations you want to pursue and seek advises of your teachers , parents ,relatives and even friends . Moreover, you can attend seminars , events organized by govt and other institutions . Internet also plays a part in that too . Just surf the internet watch informational career counselling videos and take out every bit of information regarding any occupation you want to pursue . In a nutshell , you need to do a proper research regarding jobs ,advance opportunities , earnings and finally scope while pursuing a particular career  before planning anything . 

  • Now after doing all those researches and gathering information . All you have to do is to finally decide your path , your career . Make your self serious towards career selection  . You might have listed various occupations before doing a research but  here you have to pick up the occupation that you think that will benefit you based on the researches you have done . In short decide your goal. 

  • Now the right time has come to set up your self in proper form . All you have to do is to act upon your decisions . Embrace your self in training or put your self in studies concerning that particular goal . If you are about to jump in to university/ college then your education system will guide you or drift you towards your goals .

Best of luck for upcoming academic year !!

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